We live in Amsterdam Noord now, and that means that when we go into town we have to take the ferry from the rear exit of the Central (train) Station over the river IJ. The ferry is very regular, every 11 minutes at most, takes only 3 minutes to cross the river, and is free. It is always filled with lots of cyclists (yay for flat countries!) and mopeds, sometimes even these little cars that used to be only for disabled people but now apparently also service the lazy in general, and it really makes me feel like every day is a holiday. Amsterdam Noord is still quite calm and quiet compared to the rest of the city and there is a really nice neighbourhood feel, not unlike Lancaster. The people on our little square (actually it's more like a triangle) all greet us on the street and there's a monthly neighbourhood market where people can sell their artistic or culinary products. Last Saturday children could have their faces painted and decorate kites and participate in a kite festival (unfortunately the only day there was no wind - at all!).
Aoife's main hobbies are still standing up on our laps or the bed and balancing herself and reading eating books. She likes it much better these days to do her tummy time, and she talks a lot (also with her mouth full, she gets more and more distracted while eating)! As you can see her hair is slowly growing, and her eyebrows are also showing more and more. She's great company as we hope you will all soon be able to see for yourself again.
Wat een schatje is het toch. Ik zie uit naar een rustig dagje op de 22ste - zonder Kick en Maik dit keer :-)